Don’t forget love; it will bring all the madness you need to unfurl yourself across the universe…

– Mirabai


Living from the Fullness of the Heart…

Welcome to Doorways to Beauty, a space that invites you to reconnect with your inherent joy of being alive, your wildest dreams and the luminous beauty of your heart.

Imagine walking on this earth, and recognizing the sacredness in everything that surrounds you as the reflection of who you are in essence. Envision living this life to its fullest, in the freedom that springs from being rooted in the light of your own consciousness. This is your birthright, and the entrance is right where you are.

My name is Sundari Ma and my work and offerings are rooted in the tradition of spiritual teacher and artist Igor Vamadeva Kufayev. Vamadeva initiated me into the Path of Grace in 2015 and safeguarded the powerful process of awakening I had found myself in. I was instructed in the teachings of Shaiva Tantra that view and worship this reality as the manifestation of Shakti, the reflective power of consciousness. For many years, I’ve been guiding others on the path by sharing the knowledge of the Self, the all-embracing Teaching of the Heart and the timeless wisdom of Meditation and Ayurveda.

Awakening to who we truly are is a miraculous birth, and we need support and skilled midwives to feel reassured, to find trust and anchor ourselves in the one and only Self. It is my heart’s intention to serve the power of Grace that is alive in this work and to create the space for tasting the bliss and sweetness of one’s innermost being.

Awakening is the greatest adventure, the journey of embodying the light of your Self. It is to make your heart your temple and your body the destination of all your pilgrimages. It is to reclaim what you came here for – the bliss of Being, the Beauty of your soul…

About Sundari Ma

Flowing Wakefulness Courses

Individual Sessions


Are you in search of teachings and a path that leads you to the recognition of your own luminous essence? Are you ready to free yourself from self-imposed imitations to roam the vastness of the Heart, to reconnect with your creative power and the bliss at the core of who you are?

The tantric path is of great value and validity for our life today, as it emphasises the all-embracing aspect which reconciles our attitude to life and this embodiment. It reconciles what has been fragmented in our consciousness to restore the sacredness of the body and this world, as the expression of the feminine powers of God. And who wouldn’t wish to be able to ride the waves of life with the strength and trust that come from the certainty of the divine power behind this existence? 

On the Path of the Heart, we find answers and solutions not through detachment and denial but through the intimate engagement with all of life, which makes Tantra profoundly relevant as an answer to the global crisis we are faced with as humanity. This path is for the householder, the artist, the pirate, the maverick, the one who dares to break away from the matrix to touch this world with love. 

“…No tradition is ever based upon scriptural references; tradition is only alive in the Heart of you and me as we go through this process now. It is not in some lost scriptures of Tantra. It is the Goddess who never rests — She is always alive. Where is the field of action where She sows Her seeds now? It is not in the scholarly references to the ancient past; this only creates confusion and people relying on a validated framework where they can structure their sadhana. One must leave the door open for the possibility… tradition lives through the Hearts of those who are transformed. This is what Tantra is…”

Igor Kufayev


Immerse yourself into your innate Blissful Nature


Eine 4-monatige Fortbildung in der Kunst & Praxis tantrischer Meditation
Beginn: März 2024

In dieser Fortbildung und Sadhana-Reihe bist du auf eine Reise eingeladen, auf der wir die zeitlosen Fragen erforschen, was es heißt, uns der Liebe zu öffnen, die wir sind und unsere wildesten Träume auf die Erde zu bringen. 

“Sundari initiated me into meditation and gave me access to start and explore the infinite flavors of the Goddess. Her radiance and service is in fact a doorway to dive deeper into the longing of my own heart. Thanks to Sundari Ma I’m gradually approaching the work of her Teacher, Igor Vamadeva Kufayev. It is through her conscious, loving guidance that I learn to further relax into meditation, and to let come to the surface what needs to be seen, held, healed, dissolved.”

– MELANIE KLETT, Yogalehrerin

“Die Kurse von Sundari Ma sind beglückend. Sie vermitteln Igor Kufayevs Lehre voller Klarheit in deutscher Sprache. Und da Sundari Ma die seltene Gabe hat, ihre Worte direkt ins Herz der Zuhörer fallen zu lassen, ist diese Vermittlung unmittelbar transformierend und beseligend.”

– YLLARA MÜSCH, Vedische Astrologin

“Wie ist mir? Ich habe eine sehr schnelle und direkte Veränderung in der Tiefe erfahren. Mein Vertrauen ist gewachsen, und erschütternde Ehrfurcht hat mich erfasst vor unserer Erde, die Leben und Erleben ermöglicht. Ein neuer Blickpunkt hat mir durch die Hingabe diese Wahrheit enthüllt. Hingabe, die ich ja zum Beispiel in meinem Beruf seit Jahrzehnten übe, ist im spirituellen Sinn für mich konkreter und verbindlicher geworden.” 

– BORIS K., Schauspieler

Seek Beauty and you will find God…

-Igor Kufayev